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Dr. DuLaney, Jr. is military veteran, a member of the Sunday morning live broadcast team at The Father’s House Church, holds a doctorate in engineering, is a family man, and does volunteering in the community with the State Science Fair, Career Days, and  STEM programs. He has lived in Shakopee over 19 years with his wife of 33 years and their three kids. He has worked at the same company during that time and considers it a blessing to work with so many talented people over the years. Dr. DuLaney, Jr. is a community advocate and believes in listening to the needs of his neighbors.

Dr. DuLaney, Jr. has two goals. First to be a good steward of the city finances. Second. To be a good neighbor and listen to your concerns while acting on your behalf.

Dr. DuLaney, Jr. returning our voice to the city council so it works for the people.

Paid for By James DuLaney, Jr.
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